So, here I am again, baking my little heart out on a Sunday. Today I made some shortbread to sent to the in-laws for Christmas, and some passionfruit melting moments. I also have a batch of Pioneer Woman's No-Knead bread rolls prooving on the stove, ready to go in the oven in a little bit. But it's all about the Passionfruit Melting Moments.
I searched the internet for a recipe yesterday of Melting Moments, since my bible (Margaret Fulton's Cookbook) failed to give up a recipe for these gorgeous things. I found this recipe and decided to give it a go.
You'll need:
3 passionfruit (I used a tin, since they're frightfully $$ at the moment)
250g butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup (80g) soft icing sugar
1 2/3 cups (250g) plain flour
½ cup (75g) cornflour
80g butter, softened
2/3 cup (110g) soft icing sugar
If you're using the passionfruit, take the pulp of the fruit and place it in a sieve. Put a jar underneath the sieve, and press firmly with a spoon, to drain the liquid from the fruit. Reserve the liquid for the butter cream.
Cream together the butter, icing sugar and vanilla until pale and 'fluffy'. I use 'brackets' there, because this is a lot of butter in relation to the icing sugar, and it's a very moist mix. But beat away and get a nice light colour.
Sieve together the two flours, and add half at a time to the butter mix.
Add the pulp of the passionfruit you've drained to the mix. Or, if you're like me, and either balked at the cost of passionfruit (it's just not quite in season) or couldn't get fresh, and bought a jar or tin, chuck in a good couple of tablespoons. See that spoon in the bowl? I used around 3-4 of those. It's dependent on how passionfruity you want your biscuit. 3 gives it a nice taste :)
This is what the mix will look like.
Flour your hands. Take a healthy teaspoon of mixture (the recipe suggested two - I used about half a dessert spoon each time), and roll into a ball, before placing on the tray you have prepared.
When ready, the tray should look thus. Aren't they cute.
Flour a fork, keep the flour handy, and press lightly each ball down with the fork. I found I had to reapply flour to the fork almost after every press, as the mixture is lovely and moist. Repeat for each ball on tray.
This is what the tray looks like when it goes into the oven.
You want a moderately-slow oven, which amounts to around 140C (fan-forced) or if you're like me and have an old oven, 160C. (About 325-350F).
Slide the tray in and cook for approx. 15 minutes, until the biscuits have the colour of light straw.
These are done. I think they're a little under-baked, but when I cooked the next batch for a bit longer, they didn't go any darker in colour. Use your own judgement.
Icing: 80gm butter, 2/3 cup icing sugar. Mix together until light and fluffy and add in approx. 1 tblsp passionfruit juice (either the reserved juice from straining the pulp, or just a tablespoon or so from the tin). Mix together. Get a good consistency that should be on the stiff side. You don't want it to leak out when you put some in the middle and press two halves together.
Devour :)
I'm giving these away as Christmas Presents I reckon. Well, half the batch...
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